Here we try to give you a broad overview of the different contact points at ETH.
Every department has a dedicated person for coaching and advice. In the link below you can see who is the coaching representative of your department. You can contact them and have an appointment with them. They are able to support you regarding your studies (e.g. time management, stress, unhappiness etc.).
For D-BAUG it is Ines Danuser:
Here you can find the listing of the team counselling and coaching:
Psychological help
If you simply want to talk to someone anonymously: You can always contact Nightline:
If you are looking for professional help: this service is free for students of UZH and ETH and the psychologists there are obligated to respect medical confidentiality.
AVETH Counselling
AVETH Counselling is for doctoral students. They provide guidance and support doctoral students and postdocs in difficult situations. They help you navigate the ETH bureaucracy by making you aware of the different support resources at ETH (institutional, legal or otherwise).
VSETH Student Helpdesk
As of the Spring semester 2022, the VSETH Student Helpdesk will provide you with a confidential place to ask questions and raise your concerns in a protected environment. They can support you regarding personal, administrative or academic questions or issues. You can find more information clicking the link below: